
Tips for Writing the Perfect Resume

As a college student or recent graduate your resume is your gateway to the launch of your career

Setting yourself apart from the competition and getting your resume right first time, will help you stand the best chance of landing your dream job. Here are our best tips for writing the perfect graduate resume.


  • Emphasize your academic history, relevant courses and academic awards related to the job.
  • Include relevant jobs where you developed the qualities required for the job you’re applying for. Regardless of whether they are directly related, you may have gained leadership skills working in a sports camp for example.
  • Clubs and ECA’s are important to include because they show your skills and abilities, as does volunteer work which shows initiative.
  • Detail your leadership experience from a position you have held in a sports team. Anything that shows your ability to lead.
  • Passionate narrative such as the use of action words like led, researched and created, will show the company you are energetic and responsible.
  • Statistics and numbers will quantify your achievements and impress the company. For example, quoting a percentage growth in customers or management of a team of 20.
  • Proof read and edit the document before you submit it. Spelling and grammatical errors are inexcusable, so get a friend or family member to take a second look.
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