The Marketing Department at SBA recently hosted a guest lecture
The Marketing Department at SBA recently hosted a guest lecture on the topic of "Children Animated Brands' Licensing", featuring Manaf Hassan, Sales Director at Animaccord. The lecture provided insights on various aspects of product development, live brand experience, and co-branding, and was received with great enthusiasm by our students.
Dr. Mohammad Obeidat, Chair of Marketing and Associate Professor of Marketing, commented on the session, stating that this guest lecture is in line with SBA's vision of providing students with practical experience and real-world examples from a variety of industries. The School is committed to being a leader in preparing graduates for the real world, and this lecture allowed students to gain insight into the management of brand licensing and the intricacies of managing brand image and co-branding.
The lecture proved to be an exceptional learning experience for our students and showcased our dedication to providing them with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in their future careers.